How to Keep Your Investment Out of the NSEL Default List

The National Spot Exchange (NSEL) default list is a reminder of why we need to be vigilant in protecting our investments. In 2013, NSEL defaulted on ₹5,600 crores worth of payments and thousands of investors were left with no money or assets. We all want to avoid being added to this list and there are some steps you can take to protect your investments and keep them out of the NSEL default list

Knowledge is Power 

The best way to stay informed about how your investments are doing is by keeping up with the news and staying on top of industry trends. Make sure that you read reports from credible sources and always do your own research before investing in any company or product. Knowing all the facts will help you make smart decisions, which can save you from potential losses in the future.

Be Wary of Promises 

It’s easy to get caught up in promises like “guaranteed returns” or “low-risk investment." These types of statements should raise alarm bells for investors; if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of any company making grandiose claims that seem too good to be true; these could be signs that their business practices are not on the up-and-up. Do your due diligence and make sure that any company you invest in has a solid track record for delivering on its promises. 

Understand Risk 

Risk comes with every investment, so understand what kind of risk you’re taking when investing your money into something new. Do research into how safe an investment really is before committing funds; don’t rush into anything without first understanding what kind of risks you’re taking on. Make sure that you set realistic expectations when entering a new venture; it may not turn out as expected but at least you won't be blindsided by unexpected losses!  


Investing wisely does not guarantee success but it does reduce risk significantly. Doing your research and understanding potential risks can go a long way toward keeping your investments safe from being added to the NSEL default list. Knowledgeable investors are better equipped to make informed decisions about where they put their hard-earned money and reduce their chances of losing it in a risky venture like NSEL did in 2013! With some caution and wisdom, anyone can become an informed investor who knows how to keep their money out of bad deals!


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